Database mappers

In the following article we show how to use mapping feature in database context.

Create mappers

Database mappers is a simple mechanism, that provides auto-conversion the values stored in indicated field/column in database.
In the following example, we create a simple mapper, that decodes value using base64_decode function.
You can put this class to the lib/Vegas/Db/Mapping directory.

mkdir -p lib/Vegas/Db/Mapping
touch lib/Vegas/Db/Mapping/Decoder.php

namespace Vegas\Db\Mapping\Decoder;

use Vegas\Db\MappingInterface;

class Decoder implements MappingInterface
    * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getName()
        return 'decoder';

    * {@inheritdoc}
    public function resolve(& $value)
        $value = base64_decode($value);

        return $value;

Once we create mapper class, we can add a mapper to the application.
Update the application Bootstrap class, as follows:

use Vegas\Db\Mapping\Decoder;
use Vegas\Db\MappingManager;

class Bootstrap extends \Vegas\Mvc\Bootstrap
    public function setup()

        return $this;

    protected function initDbMappings()
        $mappingManager = new MappingManager();
        $mappingManager->add(new Decoder());

The last thing to make mapper enabled, is add a mapping to the model class.

namespace Test\Models;

use Vegas\Db\Decorator\CollectionAbstract;

class Fake extends CollectionAbstract
    public function getSource()
        return 'fake';

    protected $mappings = array(
        'encoded_field' =>  'decoder'

Now, when you find record/document in the database, use method readMapped to retrieve converted value.

$fake = new Fake();
$fake->encoded_value = base64_encode('test');
$result = Fake::findFirst();
$this->assertEquals('test', $result->readMapped('encoded_field'));

The original value stored in database is still available:

$this->assertTrue(base64_encode('test'), $result->encoded_field);
$this->assertTrue(base64_encode('test'), $result->readAttribute('encoded_field'));