ACL library


ACL module relies on vegas-cmf-core lib. Requires php 5.4+ with phalcon 1.3.x installed as well.
Library provides adapters based on Mongo & MySQL. Current implementation assumes use of only one at once. Configuration should be provided on DI


Add vegas-cmf-acl to your composer.json. Run:

php composer.phar update


First we need to enter ACL module inside dependency injection container. Add following code into app/config/config.php file:

return array(
    // ...

    'plugins' => array(
        'acl' => array(
            'class' => 'AclPlugin',
            'attach' => 'dispatch'
        // more plugins...
    'acl' => array(
        \Vegas\Security\Acl\Resource::WILDCARD   =>  array(
            'description'   =>  'All privileges (for super admin)',
            'accessList'    =>  array(
                    'name'  => \Vegas\Security\Acl\Resource::ACCESS_WILDCARD,
                    'description' => 'All',
                    'inherit' => ''

Create the plugin referenced above: app/plugins/AclPlugin.php. The extended class already contains required event handlers.
class AclPlugin extends \Vegas\Security\Acl\EventsListener\Plugin

Create a service which uses adapter appropriate for your database. Currently we provide adapters for MongoDB & MySQL. This part assumes connection to DB is already set. See MongoDB or MySQL configuration for more information.

Service for Mongo database
use Phalcon\DiInterface;
use Vegas\DI\ServiceProviderInterface;

class AclMongoServiceProvider implements ServiceProviderInterface
    const SERVICE_NAME = 'acl';

    * {@inheritdoc}
    public function register(DiInterface $di)
        $di->set(self::SERVICE_NAME, function() {
            $aclAdapter = new \Vegas\Security\Acl\Adapter\Mongo();
            $acl = new \Vegas\Security\Acl($aclAdapter);

            return $acl;

    * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getDependencies()
        return [
Model for Mysql database
use Phalcon\DiInterface;
use Vegas\DI\ServiceProviderInterface;

class AclMysqlServiceProvider implements ServiceProviderInterface
    const SERVICE_NAME = 'acl';

    * {@inheritdoc}
    public function register(DiInterface $di)
        $di->set(self::SERVICE_NAME, function() {
            $aclAdapter = new \Vegas\Security\Acl\Adapter\Mysql();
            $acl = new \Vegas\Security\Acl($aclAdapter);

            return $acl;

    * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getDependencies()
        return [

Use Phinx to create database tables having tests/fixtures as current working directory.
  • Enter vendor/vegas-cmf/acl/tests/fixtures directory in the terminal
  • Export some environmental variables with appropriate connection settings: PHINX_DBHOST, PHINX_DBNAME, PHINX_DBUSER, PHINX_DBPASS
  • Run
    ../../vendor/bin/phinx migrate -e<ENVIRONMENT>
    using your application environment.

Lastly, fire setup task to populate database with default roles

php /path/to/cli.php vegas:security_acl:role setup
For more information about ACL tasks, refer to CLI reference section