Vegas CMF Guide

Profiler library

Default classes

This article contains basic information about data collectors which are shipped with the library.

Attached to events of dispatcher
Gets a list of loaded services in current request with dispatcher information - things like used route, module, controller, action names etc.

Attached to events of dispatcher
Gets information about exceptions during the request - such as file, error code and stacktrace.

Attached to events of dispatcher
Gets memory usage in the end of the request with peak usage.

Attached to events of db connection
Gets number of database queries in request, their execution times and full dump of the queries.

Attached to events of dispatcher
Gets information about request headers

Attached to events of dispatcher
Gets information about response headers

Attached to events of dispatcher
Gets information about superglobals used in request, $_SERVER, $_SESSION, $_GET, $_POST etc.

Attached to events of view
Gets information about execution time between creating profiler instance and the moment after rendering HTML.